
Indo-German Tax GmbH
India + Germany are AS-ONE

Management Team

Neha Verma
Neha Verma
Arvin Verma
Arvin Verma
Ashok Kumar Verma
Ashok Kumar Verma

AsOne Indo-German Tax GmbH is a firm of German Tax Consultants (Steuerberatungsgesellschaft) with Neha Verma and Arvin Verma as Shareholder and Managing Director – with a continuous experience in Accounting, Tax, Auditing and Business Consulting. This is a rare combination of sister and brother supported by their father Ashok Kumar Verma (Chartered Accountant of India since 1981 -Membership Number 082084) and member of German Institute of Tax Consultants (StBK Hessen) with his membership number 465098 since 1998 and a member of German Institute of Chartered Accountants (WPK Berlin) since 2000 with his membership number 1103112.


Additionally, AsOne Indo-German Tax GmbH is supported by more German Tax Consutlants (Steuerberaters), German Chartered Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüfer), German lawyers expert in German AÜG Law, German immigration laws and German labour laws etc. AsOne Indo-German Tax GmbH is also supported in the laws of these countries:

  1. 7 Indian Chartered Accountants practising in India,
  2. 2 American CPAs practising in U.S.A
  3. 2 British Chartered Accountants practising in United Kingdom
  4. A few accounting professions from Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Holland, Dubai, France etc.


AsOne Indo-German Tax GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Am Seedamm 44
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Fon +49 (0) 69-17 48 71
Fax +49 (0) 69-17 48 72